The Bridge

Went through some old pics today and came across this one from September of 2011. One of my favorites…re-edited it and added a little something extra!


Author: thethreejs

Hi! My name is Jennifer...Welcome to my blog. The name of my blog, thethreejs, was conceived during a very happy time in my life. I was in the process of getting married to my wonderful husband Jeff, and as we were sitting down to discuss how we wanted our wedding to "flow" we ended up getting into the conversation of what we wanted from our marriage. We both LOVE JESUS! So, we of course put Him at the head of our marriage...Then we said, laughingly, how all three of our names started with J's...and I said, someday, I'm going to start a blog and call it thethreejs, somewhat jokingly I think, but the idea kept floating around in my head...and so sometime later I started this blog. This particular blog doesn't really have a theme...I write about anything from Jesus, to raising a family...from cleaning the house to what we had for dinner the night before...well, I haven't written about the last two yet...I'm sure at some point I will though, after all cleaning the house is one of my least favorite things and food is one of my favorite things... I appreciate any comments, thoughts, or insights. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog.

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